Useful Articles for Rebuttals

This article is written for researchers who are experiencing difficulties in preparing and conducting their first rebuttal after submitting a paper to a conference, just like I did before. Last winter, I submitted a paper as the first author for the first time, and I felt great anxiety and helplessness while waiting for the upcoming rebuttal. To alleviate these feelings, I sought advice from those around me and searched the internet, but it was not easy to find a solution.

Since the strategies or examples of rebuttals are generally not publicly available, so for junior researchers like me, this feels like a fear as dark as night. It is not easy to know what makes a good rebuttal letter, while you can gauge the quality of a paper by its citation count and the conference or journal in which it is published,

Fortunately, in recent times, several senior researchers have recognized these difficulties and have written useful articles: 1) sharing their own rebuttal strategies, 2) analyzing and introducing the rebuttal processes of conferences, and 3) disclosing the their paper reviews. Through below articles, I was able to approach the rebuttal process more confidently and strategically.

I hope this article will be helpful for those preparing for conference paper submissions and the rebuttal process.